Friday, July 15, 2011

Dysfunctional Family Circus

The other day I was running around at work like an 8-year-old on a sugar and ADHD high when it occurred to me that sometimes my days at work resemble one of those Family Circus cartoons where the little person is all over the place, documented by the little dotted/dashed line strung all over the page like so many spaghetti noodles dumped on a floor. Then it got me thinking about that sign in Peewee's Big Adventure when he's in the big rig and the road is twisting and turning like Spaghetti Junction on meth. And you don't know what Spaghetti Junction is unless you live in Louisville and possibly then only if you ever drive downtown. The point is that, naturally, I ended up Googling Family Circus and came up with something really cool called Dysfunctional Family Circus, which if you know me means "HELL TO THE YES Dysfuntional Family Circus", that is right up my alley! I've lived in one of those for 30 years now and not sure I'd have it any other way.

I'd recommend you Google it too and take a look. And you know I'm serious if I'm telling you to Google something because telling people to Google something is definitely not something I would ever do like a thousand times a day because I'm certainly not a self-appointed Google slut.

And you're probably thinking why don't I post the link here to make your life easier and to that I say quit being lazy. But mostly it's because I haven't figured out how to post the link without having to type it in one character at a time, and the gods know that sure isn't going to happen because it's not like I have tons of time on my hands here. And also suddenly my CTRL C then CTRL V magic button-combination thingies aren't working and my whole world has been turned upside down by this. I didn't think it was possible for them not work.

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